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Mother Earth's Medicine | By Mark Willenbruch

The outbreak of Coronavirus is peaking across the world at a time when in the Northern Hemisphere the plant World is waking up, and over flowing with an abundance of cleansing, revitalising, replenishing and nourishing tonics for the bodies of mammalians and land dwelling beasts.

It is important to realise that this virus is new to our immune systems so we don't necessarily have the immunity built up to defend against it? However our bodies are amazing when we give them the right environments to thrive. A whooping 70% of our immune function starts in the gut!!! so our gut health is vitally important. A healthy gut bacteria can be enhanced by fermented foods and beverages but also the simple act of eating wild foods increases the strength of your gut micro biome.

Our immune function also reacts to our mental state, if we are in a state of fear and panic then our immune systems are compromised so practicing relaxation, abdominal breathing, yoga, tai chi and getting outside in nature. Simply being outside among trees, plants and the natural world has such a huge effect on our mental, emotional and physical health, it literally changes us at the cellular level.

Now for some plants..There are so many plants we could turn to but to give two that are standing out to me at this time. The warrior plant that is Nettle and Dr. Thyme. Two strong allies that are extremely accessible.

Nettle is the most nutrient, mineral dense super food that grows all around us and can be taken in many ways. ( attach recipes). Nettle soup recipe..

An easy way to make a nettle tea infusion is to take a cafe tierre or tea pot of some description. Take a pair of scissors a cut the top two or four younger leaves at the top of the stem from around 5-10 Nettle plants, enough to cover the bottom of your container by a couple of inches. Simply add boiling water to make the tea, leave to stand for 5-10minutes, you can have a cup now and then leave to cool down before placing in the fridge to create a much stronger medicinal infusion.

Thyme is another easily accessible plant, many of us have it in our gardens and if not it can easily be bought in stores. Thyme is a respiratory aid, an expectorant, it helps clearing the lungs, soothing dry coughs and sore throats as well as being a strong anti viral it also helps build immunity. Perfect for this pandemic. It would work well as a preventative, having a cup a day and also added to foods. It can also be used as a steam inhalation by adding a pint of it to a bowl of hot water and placing a towel over your head to inhale. This method can also be used as a foot bath, if you have oils; thyme, eucalyptus, tea tree would also work very well as both steam inhalation, foot soak and rubbing them in to souls of feet. Why the feet I hear you say? working the feet actually helps move out mucus from the lower lungs.

A great way to take Thyme it is to cover a sauce pan with sprigs of thyme and gently bring just before the boil then knock it down to a simmer for 20 mins, drink it hot and chill after if left over. You can also use the method explained for the nettle infusion.

Happy brewing!

Mark x

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